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Journal of Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies in Alexandria for girls, is a scientific journal arbitrated, and it concerns the research of Islamic, legal, and linguistics since 1983, as well as, it publishes verified texts and dependable studies. The journal has a vital role to enrich various knowledge, as many scholars and scientists have declared it with more accuracy, subjective and seriousness, it is arbitrating on many papers and articles by Egyptian specialized scientists in Egypt and Arab nations, as the journal is issued and edited of four releases annually and to be published through different vessels digital or paper, to sight these researches are free of charge without contribution (Open Access) in which was attached by the Egyptian knowledge bank to various academic journals in the web: https://bfda.journals.ekb.eg, so it is considered as one of the Egyptian journals explored in Arabic citation index for Clarivates web of science.
Pages 2661-2759
Mohamed Al Desouky Mohamed Ibrahim Gbn
Pages 2761-2840
Ramzy Sayed Sayed Ahmed Hegazy
Pages 2841-2930
Mohammad Jibril Abu Al-Futouh Hamouda
Pages 2933-2978
Ibrahim bin Hadi Muhammad Al-Mubaraki
Pages 2981-3076
Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Motagli Mohamed
Pages 3075-3119
Pages 3121-3160
Mutiaa bint Muhammad bin Shuwait Al-Harbi Al-Harbi
Pages 3163-3219
Yasmin Noman Shaaban
Pages 3221-3296
Ola bint Yassin Ali Al-Bar
Pages 3299-3366
Fatima Ahmed Ali Hassan
Pages 3369-3456
Wessam Mohammed ElSheikh Youssef