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Journal of Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies in Alexandria for girls, is a scientific journal arbitrated, and it concerns the research of Islamic, legal, and linguistics since 1983, as well as, it publishes verified texts and dependable studies. The journal has a vital role to enrich various knowledge, as many scholars and scientists have declared it with more accuracy, subjective and seriousness, it is arbitrating on many papers and articles by Egyptian specialized scientists in Egypt and  Arab nations, as the journal is issued and edited of four releases annually and to be published through different vessels digital or paper,  to sight these researches are free of charge without contribution (Open Access) in which was attached by the Egyptian knowledge bank to various academic journals in the web: https://bfda.journals.ekb.eg, so it is considered as one of the Egyptian journals explored in Arabic citation index for Clarivates web of science.

Current Issue: Volume 40, Issue 4, December 2024 (Fourth edition (December))