From the linguistic miracle in the Holy Quran "Surat Al-Kafiron as an example"

Document Type : Original Article


Department of language origins; college of Arab Islamic studies for Girls; Al: Azhar University; Kafr El-Sheikh, Arab Republic of Egypt


The Holy Quran is the miraculous word of God to creation in its wording, composition, style and organization.Every verse in it contains multiple forms of linguistic miracle at all levels, whether phonetic, morphological, syntactic, or semantic. There fore, I decided to study one of the short surahs, which is surah Al-Kafirun, to identify some forms of this miracle in it,and comes under the title" From the secrets of linguistic miracle in the Holy Quran, Surat Al-Kafirun as a model: I relied on the descriptive approach on my study. Using analytical Fools, by presenting the aspects of phonetic miracles, morphology, and structure, analyzing them, and interrogating miracles in them.
Key wards: secrets- linguistic miracle-The Holy Quran Al-Kafiron.

The Holy Quran is the miraculous word of God to creation in its wording, composition, style and organization.Every verse in it contains multiple forms of linguistic miracle at all levels, whether phonetic, morphological, syntactic, or semantic. There fore, I decided to study one of the short surahs, which is surah Al-Kafirun, to identify some forms of this miracle in it,and comes under the title" From the secrets of linguistic miracle in the Holy Quran, Surat Al-Kafirun as a model: I relied on the descriptive approach on my study. Using analytical Fools, by presenting the aspects of phonetic miracles, morphology, and structure, analyzing them, and interrogating miracles in them.
Key wards: secrets- linguistic miracle-The Holy Quran Al-Kafiron.


Main Subjects

  • The Holy Quran

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