Direct inference and its applications


Assistant Professor of Doctrine and Philosophy, at the Islamic Girls College in Assiut, Al-Azhar University


Reasoning is a coordinated approach to thinking based on structured order and accuracy, entering into logic and science, where it starts from one or more than an introduction to reach a valid conclusion. It also relies on feedback or information to draw conclusions around the world. Logical reasoning is shaped by different forms of (direct) deduction, which involves drawing conclusions based on a particular principle or rule to arrive at valid findings from known information by moving from the whole to the part. These include indirect induction (which involves generalizations or conclusions based on specific observations or data, where private-to-public thinking to verify the truthfulness of knowledge through experience and observation, and inference of the two types involves systematic statement of facts or information until results in problem-solving.
Study method: analytical method. Summary of results:
. In deductive evidences, the speaker cares about expert sentences that can be described as honest or lying, and they call them "issues."
. The logical validity of direct reasoning is primarily linked to all on the basis of which the presentations and results are organized.
. Direct inference is used as intuition or inference rules used to accomplish proof of indirect inference in its standard form.
. Direct reasoning has logical relationships between the introductions and the necessary outcome.
. Direct inference is inferred by the sincerity of one contradiction to the other's lying, and by one contradiction to the sincerity of the other.
. Inductive reasoning is the basis of the scientific approach used to study natural and human phenomena.


Main Subjects

1- aliastidlal / talif rubir blanishii/ tarjamat a.d muhamad alyaequbi/ t dar alkitaab alhadith .
2 albasayir alnusayriat lieilm almantiq tahqiq al'iimam alshaykh / muhamad eabdih , s 124 t : maktabat muhamad eali subih wa'awladuh
3 altadhhib : sharh alshaykh /abin fadl alkhubasii ealaa tahdhib almantiq lil'iimam saed altaftazani , taqdim 'a.d / nahid yusif rizq , sa175 , 176 ( bitasaruf )
4 altaerifat / lilfadl alealaamat alsayid alsharif eali aljirjani / tahqiq muhamad sidiyq almunshawi t dar alfadila .
5 alhashiat eali tahdhib almantiq / liltiftazani/ t muasasat alnashr al'iislamii .
6 alsulm almurunaq fi eilm almantiq , sharah naziman alealaamat eabdalrahman al'akhdariu , t : dar abn hazm
7- alfalsafat walhayaat / lilsafi althaani althaanawii / wizarat altarbiat waltaelim tu/ eam 2019-2020.
8 alqawaeid almantiqiat  durus bayaniat fi sharh almantiq watatbiqatih talif : samir khayr allah  s : 250 : 260 (btasaraf) t : maehad almaearif alhikmiat  bayrut
9- almurshid alsalim fi almantiq alhadith walqadim / d. eiwad allah jad hijazi/ t dar altibaeat almuhamadiat bialqahira .
10 almisbah almunir , t : alhayyat aleamat almisriat lilkitabi.
11 almafahim walmustalahat fi eilm almantiq , du/ muhamad hasan mahdi bakhit , tu: ealam alkutub alhadith
12- almantiq alsuwariu min 'aristu hatiy eusurina alhadirati/ d . eali sami alnashaar / t dar almaerifa .
13 almantiq alsuwariu mundh 'aristu hataa eusurina alhadirat , s 317 : 327 ( bitasaruf ) , t : dar almaearif
14 - alnajat fi alhikmat almantiqiat waltabieiat wal'iilahiati/ talif bn sina / t alqahira .
15 - al'iidah limatn 'iisaghuji/ lilshaykh alqadi muhamad shakir / ealaq ealayh / 'ahmad alshaadhli al'azhariu / ji1 / t alhayyat aleamat almisriat lilkitab .
16- hashiat aleataar eali sharh alkhubaysi/ ta. dar 'iihya' alkutub alearabia .
17 - sharh alshamsiat fi almantiq / t alhayyat aleamat almisriat lilkitab
18 eilm almantiq du/ muhamad mahran rashwan , t : dar almaearif
19 matn alsilam , lilealamat alshaykh / eabdalrahman al'akhdariu fi eilm almantiq , sharh alealamat alshaykh / hasan alquaysni , t almaktabat altijariat alkibriu bimisr lisahibiha mustafaa muhamad
20 matn tahdhib almantiq walkalam lilealamat saed aldiyn altaftazani , t : alsaeadat bijiwar mahatat misr
21 mihaku alnazar fi almantiq , talif : 'abi hamid alghazali , tahqiq : 'ahmad farid almazidii , t : dar alkutub aleilmiat bayrut  lubnan
22 mudhakirat fi almantiq ealaa alsilam almurawanaq , taeliq 'a.da/ jamil 'iibrahim alsayid , s 85 : 88 ( altasdiqat )
23 mantiq 'aristu , ja1 , haqaqah da/ eabdalrahman badawi , s 129 wama baedaha ( bitasarufin) t : wikalat almatbueat bialkuayt