Problems of Translating Cultural Elements in Tanzanian Writer Ibrahim Hussein's Time Barrier Play: A Study Under Peter Newmark Model


Department of African Languages, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


The research aims to monitor cultural elements in the play of "Wakati Ukuta" by the Tanzanian playwright "Ibrahim Hussein", and to identify strategies on which the translator has relied to transfer them into Arabic. The research also aims to identify the problems encountered in the translation process, particularly the cultural and social problems endorsed by English theorist Peter Newmark in his well-known model. The play of "Hajez Al- Zaman" has been a great success within and outside Tanzanian society, as it has been printed ten times as it portrays one of the most important problems experienced by this community.
At the end of the research, the reader is expected to have learned about the Swahili theatre in East Africa in general, and Tanzania in particular in the 1970s. Identifying the cultural and social constraints faced by the Arab interpreter and proposing solutions that could use these cultural and social aspects; in line with the objectives of the original text, its writer and its community.
One of the findings that researcher has got is that the translator had model as a lexical translation technique for translating qualities and actions, cultural parity technique for translating terminological expressions, it also used the technique of switching and modifying to translate rhetorical images such as metonymy, metaphor, etc. The translator has dealt with the language of dialogue by translating it into Arabic in a simple language that is purely authentic, away from clichéd slang.


Main Subjects

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