Values between relativity and stability - a study in sources and results


Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Boys - Al-Azhar University - Cairo


The controversy surrounding the relativity and stability of values ​​is not new to human thought. Rather, it is rooted in what we have reached about the Greek philosophers in the fifth century BC and the emergence of the Sophistic movement, the owners of false science, who considered that values ​​are variable, relative, and unstable, and doubted everything about knowledge and values. And morally, it destroyed the objectivity of values ​​and ruled their subjectivity and relativity, and subjected them to man, considering him the measure of everything, its good and its evil. Socrates and his student Plato and Aristotle confronted these sophists and judged that values ​​are absolute and fixed and based on reason, based on the natural religion in which they believed... Hence The idealist philosophy arose, which sees that values ​​are absolute, and that there must be an example that reality seeks to achieve, and in contrast to that, the owners of materialist philosophy, social theory, and those who followed their path went to the fact that values ​​are relative and variable, with no objective existence, but rather personal existence. , the individual or society may influence them to become behavioral values ​​that govern the individual, and the problem with which we are trying to disentangle the confusion and suspicion that occurs between different philosophies, sects and religions revolves around the existence of an absolute objective basis for values, and the existence of permanent stability to them, or is it relative and subjective subject to the desires of individuals and groups? What are the premises and sources that those who say that values ​​are relative or stable, and what are the consequences of each of them?


Main Subjects