Demonstratives as Factors in Arabic Grammar


King Saud University, College of Arts, Department of Arabic Language Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh


Arabic traditional grammar depends on (ala'mal) theory. This theory explains the systemic change at the ends of the words in Arabic Language. And one of frequent lingual phenomenon that trigger the debate between the scholars in Arabic language, phrases that begin with a demonstrative and contain after that a noun with a sign of (nasb) while there are not any factor (a'amel) of (nasb) in the sentence. These phrases occur in highly reliable texts in Arabic grammar. Nevertheless, they appear in the highest texts in the rank of articulation and lingual rightness (Quran). Albasra's scholars treat that noun with nasb sign as an adverb (hal). And Alkoufa's scholars refer the nasb of this noun to (altaqreeb). And (altaqreeb) is a term related to Alkoufa school specifically. This paper studies the dispute between Basris and Koufis in discussing and explaining this phrase. Then it studies the different (ia'rabs) that scholars present for phrases in Quran involved under this phenomenon.


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