Teaching Arabic Language and its Relation to Modern Science


Assistant Professor - Qassim University


Nor of the evil that the Arabic language after the Islamic conquest not only write the religious sanctity, but surpassed the specialized and scientific language, not the old world is witnessing an intellectual scientific-technical civilization, as witnessed by the era of Arab Muslims, and will not be exaggerating if we said that crucial juncture in the history of ancient and modern human knowledge. Certainly it is today, more than ever, is witnessing major challenges both at the local level, where facing the Arab in the ways taught for emerging and global in light of the widespread living languages especially English, and control of the various fields of science, to the exclusion of almost entirely of Arabic language Her scientific glory old. But it has always been the language of science, they are capable of today, more than ever, to accommodate the various scientific disciplines with different curricula and trends, and this is to invoke it from the structures of language precise and specialized, scientific and terms that will go into sailing in various types of knowledge. Hence, this research will try to stand on the Arabic language relationship to other sciences, whether accurate ones, literary, and by projecting what her possibilities verbal terminological lingual can be invested in order to overcome foreign languages on the one hand and the Arabization of terms to return to the huge hers linguistic heritage, or the generation and derivation keep up with new words to appropriate the other.


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