The Displacement of the Origin of the Definition and Reasoning in Grammatical Structures: Synthetic Structural Study


Al-Balqa Applied University/Princess Alia University College


The study dealt with deviation from the sense of ‘definiteness’ and ‘indefiniteness’ in an attempt to clarify the structural and semantic effect of this deviation. It also aimed at explaining the grammarians’ position on this issue. For this purpose, the study tackled the function of four syntactic elements: the subject, the predicate, the manner and the genitive case. The study discussed the grammarians’ attempt clarifying the sense of ‘definiteness’ and ‘indefiniteness’ in addition to the forms and purposes of deviation from it. The study concluded that the grammarians clung to the sense and they endeavored to interpret what had been deviated from it. The study also concluded that the grammarians believed that the deviation from the sense of ‘definiteness’ and ‘indefiniteness’ took place only at the surface level (structurally); whereas, it remains intact at the semantic level.


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