Determination Added to God Almighty: Contractual Study


Associate Professor, Department of Aqeedah In the College of Da`wah and Fundamentals of Religion


The meanings of determination in the language and terminology revolve around patience and seriousness and not to return from the thing or hesitation in it, and additions to God is due to two types: the addition of a king, the addition of a recipe, and science two types of additives to God is the correct approach that the Sunnis and the community and ignorant way To disable bari qualities Almighty, and the determination added to God may be a characteristic of the qualities worthy of the Almighty, which is a kind of will, or called to God in the way of news of an act of his actions contrary to those who prevented the description of God Almighty determination, and protested against the description God Almighty Almighty: that the will of God is not called: the determination and it is not permissible to describe God with determination, and because reading: (intention) annexation did not read by one of the companions may not be attached to the Koran, and the determination of determination, God is so proud of it, and protested "If you intend to trust in Allah, you will be bound by it and read the one who reads it, including: Jabir bin Zaid, Abu al Shaatha, Abu Nuheik, Akramah, Jaafar ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq, Abu Razin, Abu Majlaz, Abu al-'Aliya and Asim al-Jahdari, and using some of the salaf, including Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her), 'Urwah ibn al-Zubayr, al-Hasan al-Basri, Qatadah ibn Da`mah al-Sadusi,


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