The Lottery and some of its Uses of Equal Rights in the Sharia


Associate Professor of Jurisprudence at the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies Umm Al-Qura University - Makkah Al-Mukarramah


The Islamic Sharia law came by the meeting of the Muslims, the renunciation of division and disagreement, the distance from conflict and discord, calling for all that would be achieved by the harmony and rapprochement between members of the Muslim community, and at the same time away from everything that would be against it; To distinguish rights and assign those who are entitled to equal treatment of disputes and rivalries, and to keep hearts at the same time. The research came in an introduction and two chapters, which included a number of topics, followed by a conclusion in the list of sources. As for the introduction, the researcher mentioned the research plan, the previous studies, and the method in which he followed it. The first chapter was entitled: Definition of the lot and its legitimacy and wisdom and types, and included five topics: First: the definition of lots in language and jurisprudence. The second is the legality of lots. And the third: the wisdom of its legitimacy. Fourth: the types of draw. V: How to do it. The second chapter was entitled: Some uses of lots in equal rights, including five questions: First: the use of lots in the appointment of imams when the equal qualities. And second: the use of lots in the appointment of the faithful when equal qualities. The third is the use of lots when the parents are in a class when washing the dead and praying on it. Fourthly: The use of lots when the parents are equal in class at marriage. And the fifth and final topic: the use of lots when the incubation of incubators in the class. The researcher concluded by concluding with the most important results, including: The lottery is a legitimate way to prove rights, cut discounts, and assign the share of the right holder at the thumb or crowding. Including the legality of its use, the Prophet did it, and its owners did after him and before that the statement of Karim. Including that the majority of scholars to say using the lot and work in the sentence. Including that, the lottery is used in two types: in equal rights, and in the appointment of the king. In the end, the researcher listed a list of sources that benefited from the collection of the research article. And praise first and last.


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