The Inference of the Counterpart and his Absence at Abu Al-Barakat Al-Anbari is a Fundamentalist Grammatical Study


A faculty member in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This paper deals with the evidence of the grammatical evidence of "the counterpart and non-existence" of Abu al-Barqat al-Anbari, one of the imams of the fundamentals of grammar, through his book Al-Insaf. The most important books that were presented to the grammatical controversy, And a description of its uses, and its rules of incorporation of this guide. Two studies preceded by a preface and a preface, followed by a conclusion and a catalog of sources. The first topic: the rules of the binoculars and the controls of its use when Abu Barakat. The second topic: An applied study of some of the issues in which the counterpart and his counterpart were cited.


Main Subjects