Atonement of the Disobedient and its Effects on the Growing Phenomenon of Violence in Society


Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies - College of Arts Beni Suef University


The evidence has been strong and frequent on the middle of the Sunnis, which is a middle between excess and negligence, each virtue has two ends, and always the best things middle, came in the middle in everything, even in the worship that is the relationship of the Lord, the texts came many in the need to mediate and moderation and not And the story of the three young men who came to the homes of the Prophet's husbands, peace be upon him, when they learned his worship, and heard that it is a middle worship, as if they say it, and sentenced themselves to strict; (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and taught the nation after them, that the moderation of worship when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is his Sunnah, and he said: He said, "Whoever wishes for my year is not mine." Some of the hardliners, mostly from the Kharijis, who came out in their first command over Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, went out and went out of their way. Their ancestors after that on their communities, and the blood of Muslims, under the pretext of their disbelief for committing some of the majorities, the corruption of violence and terrorism, and the bloodshed, with these false interpretations. Accordingly, this research was conducted in three sections, as follows: 1- Definition of faith and the entry of work in its name. 2- The centrality of the Sunnis and their role in the prevalence of security and peace. 3- The destructive effects of atonement on the individual and society.


Main Subjects