Incentives for Commercial Marketing: Marketing Gifts Model: Comparative Juristic Study


Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Jurisprudence Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies in Alexandria - Al-Azhar University


Research Title: Incentives for Commercial Marketing "Marketing Gifts Model" Comparative Juristic Study. The purpose of the research: To identify the incentives of commercial marketing, its importance, types, and the definition of marketing gifts, types, and the statement of the jurisprudence of marketing gifts. Research Methodology: Comparative Analytical Approach. Research Plan: The research included an introduction, a preface, three questions, and a conclusion. The introduction included: a statement of the concept of commercial marketing, its importance, objectives and types. The first topic deals with the concept of commercial marketing incentives, their importance and objectives. The second topic dealt with the definition of marketing gifts and their types. The third section includes the legitimate ruling of marketing gifts and their controls. Main results: -Gift souvenirs award; because the origin in the transactions solution; gift and gift in the sentence legitimate, delegate to the agreement of scholars. -If the souvenirs which prevent his possession, if they are not used except in Muharram, or most of them are used in it, then it is not permissible to accept them. -If the freebie is a commodity and the buyer is promised a gift before purchase, and the gift was for each buyer, the promotional gifts for the photos have no evidence to prevent. -If the gift is a benefit, and the buyer was promised before the contract, the graduation is likely to be a promise of gift, and therefore the origin of the solution


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