Jurisprudential Rulings on Women's Affairs and Contemporary Applications: Comparative Juristic Study


Associate Professor, Department of Sharia College of Sharia and Regulations - Taif University


• The legal ruling is the speech of God concerning the actions of those charged with obligatory and obligatory, forgiveness, hatred and prohibition • What is meant by fiqh is the knowledge of the Shari'a rules of science with its detailed interpretation. • What is meant by women praying in places of worship in mosques and shrinking from the last of the mosque or isolated from a cloth, wood or iron, in which women pray in some times, times and occasions such as Taraweeh prayers, Eid prayers, • The foreign women's prayer halls related to the mosque take its ruling because what came close to the matter took its ruling and continued. • The external chapels in which the Eid prayer and the prayer are held do not have the ruling of the mosque because it is separated from the mosque. • The fuqaha 'differed concerning the ruling on praying in the mosque in the external prayer halls on two occasions • A woman is afraid of a man and obeys him. It is not right for her to lead a man to say that he is saying: People will not succeed even if they are commanded by women. • It is a requirement for the validity of women's prayer in these internal and external chapels and the conditions mentioned in the study


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