Speakers' Inference of Their Beliefs with the Nine Hadiths of the Books Concerning Books: Presentation and Criticism


degree [PhD] In the specialty of [Aqeedah and Dawah] from the Sharia Department King Abdulaziz University


The reasoning of the scholars on the tenets of the nine books is related to the angels. The research consists of five topics. The first section presents the nine books in terms of the authors, their names, subjects, the method of their authors, and the praise of the scholars on them. The second section deals with the definition of speech science, the reason for its name, its origin, In the curriculum of the speakers in the doctrine, Then the third topic dealt with the evidence of the speakers on their faith in the book section, and this subject is one of the first requirements for presenting the evidence of the poet and matriarchy on their faith in the status of the word of God U, while the second demand for presenting the evidence of the Mu'tazil on their faith in the issue of creating the Holy Quran, The fourth topic critiques the explanations of the speakers on their faith in the book section, and it is one of the two demands dealt with the first demand criticism criticism of the poetism and matriarchy to their faith in the character of the word of God U, while the second demand criticism criticism of the Mu'tazil in their doctrine in the creation of the Koran.


Main Subjects