Some Narrations "Mruiyat" of Ar-Robaie Bint Mo'wad May Allah be Pleased with her from the Books of the Prophet's Sunnah: Narration and Knowledge


Master's degree - College of Education and Arts Tabuk University


The current research made use of the analytic inductive method. It provides an introduction portraying the research background, objectives, significance, motivation for the research and previous studies. The nature of the research entails forming two chapters between an introduction and conclusion. The introduction presented a detailed overview of the great companion Ar-Robaie bint Mo'wad (may Allah be pleased with her). The second chapter addressed the narrations of the great companion Ar-Robaie bint Mo'wad (may Allah be pleased with her) taking into account the narrations’ collection procedures, citation and study. The conclusion of the study provided the most important results and recommendations presented.


Main Subjects