The search tackled the methodology of curtailment in Sira writings during the eighth hijri century, and showed for eight resources that distinguished as origin books not explanation or commentary books or manuscripts. The authors that outlined are Aldomiati, Alkadossi, Ibn Sayyid Annas, Aldahabi, Alsafadi, Ibn Shaker Alkotobi, Ibn Jamaeah and Ibn Katheer. The researcher presented the inclusion for Sira, Shamyil, and private life of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The researcher focused on the size of the books, number of the pages, printing of the books in a folder or more, did the author mention his resources? Did he mention curtailment in address or introduction? In addition, the researcher tried to concentrate on features of curtailment and its positives and negatives. Finally, was the curtailment actual and understood or disruption in scientific material?
Al-Enezi, S. B. G. A. (2019). Methodology of Curtailment in Sira Writings during the Eighth Hijri Century. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 35(1), 733-768. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2019.63947
Sami bin Ghazi Al-Enezi Al-Enezi. "Methodology of Curtailment in Sira Writings during the Eighth Hijri Century", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 35, 1, 2019, 733-768. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2019.63947
Al-Enezi, S. B. G. A. (2019). 'Methodology of Curtailment in Sira Writings during the Eighth Hijri Century', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 35(1), pp. 733-768. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2019.63947
Al-Enezi, S. B. G. A. Methodology of Curtailment in Sira Writings during the Eighth Hijri Century. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2019; 35(1): 733-768. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2019.63947