Towards an Educational Interpretation of the Qur'an: Children's Prayer Between the Guidance of the Quran and Sunnah and the Mistakes of Educators


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education and Arts, Tabuk University In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The Holy Qur'an is considered the first source of education. That is why interpreters have focused on it to infer its educational guidance and highlight it in their books through centuries. However, the regulations and applications of such an attitude are still in need of unanimous efforts of scholars and researchers to outline its features. That is because the need for this attitude has become dire to resolve the problems of off springs in an open and un censored cultural space. In an endeavor to broaden the scope of research regarding this field, the running study has crystallized to shed light on the problem of absent curriculum at the side of educators who foster children education in terms of love for prayers, from early stages to adulthood, and introduce an educational proof to parents or whosoever represents them in this respect. This is to be operated in accordance with a wholesome scientific style emitting from quraanic guidance and coordinating with other styles of modern education so as to treat such a problem which represents one of the most outstanding reasons after negative attitude towards prayers and its awkward performance despite being the most imposed worship on the slave by day and night besides being the first school of faith which leads to morals and guards against major sins and taboos.


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