Atheism Phenomenon: Its Causes - Its Effects and Ways to Prevent It


Assistant Professor at King Khalid University Faculty of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion - Department of Islamic Studies


Recent talk about atheism in most of the radio and television programmers and was the largest share of the satellites are even is hosting some examples of atheists and give them the opportunity to speak with courage and freedom as well as the proliferation of websites that promote thought atheistic as well as ongoing social thought if anything it shows the spread of this phenomenon and the outbreak seriously in Arab societies and scientists have warned that the spread of this phenomenon, which is a real challenge as they are destroying the nation's youth are in second place after the phenomenon of terrorism. The phenomenon of atheism of complex phenomena that may intersect factors intellectual, psychological, social and so the analysis and research into causes requires a great effort and careful consideration of specialists in thought, religion and philosophy, psychology and sociology atheism has had a negative impact on individuals and society, and importantly out of instinct and suffering psychological, physical and the absence of conscious interpretation of life and existence and the release of passions, desires and demolition of family order, suicide and disintegration, etc. That power atheistic face in our society is needed to be determined efforts from the Muslim community at all levels of individuals and groups and governments.


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