Younis Bin Habib and his Grammatical Views in the Light a Statement of the Content of the Statemen


Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the Faculty of Arabic Language in Mansoura


Imam Yunus bin Habib is considered one of the scholars who founded the Basri school of thought, and they left a clear imprint in matters of grammar and language.
- Yunus bin Habib's influence extended to the Basra school, and his influence extended to the Kufic school, where some of its notables were taught by him, even the heads of its masters such as Al-Kisa'i and Al-Fara'.
- Yunus bin Habib, one of the distinguished, neutral scholars who revolve with the truth wherever it was, and he was not one of the fanatics of the visual school; Therefore, his views were often in agreement with the opinions of the owners of the Kufic school, to the extent that some of them considered him the true founder of the Kufic school, and others considered him the founder of the Baghdadi school.
Yunus bin Habib relied a lot on listening, and he put it in the forefront, but with that he did not neglect measurement, so he had multiple measurements, and he used to measure on one witness.


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