Subject "Waga" and its Formulas and Uses: Study and Revision


Associate Professor of Grammar and Syntax - Taibah University


This research proceeds from a linguistic root to produce a study that expands morphological, phonemic and graphic by tracing the formulas that came out of the subject (Waqi), by collecting what is differentiated in the actual and nominal formulas of this material abstraction and addition, and the morphological changes, phonemic phenomena, and its purification of repetition, disagreement, with Access to features related to this material in terms of formulas and uses in contemporary Arabic, citing the words of the Noble Qur’an, the words of the Arabs, discussing the views of linguists and morphologists, and directing the differences in Qur’anic readings of some of these formulas back to books of dictionaries, language and morphology, and some books of interpretation. The readings, the parsing of the Qur’an, the extrapolation of some contemporary dictionaries, and examples of contemporary Arabic words to find out the continuity of the morphological formulas of this root, or the generation of new formulas, or contemporary linguistic uses.
  The research adhered to the descriptive approach based on induction in tracking (waqi) formulas, and studying the morphological changes and phonemic phenomena that they experience.
    One of the results of this research was the common use of the abstract form of (waqi), and the addition of the t in the subject (ifat’l) and what was carried on it, such as (piety and piety...), and you did not hear some of the additional formulas such as: (interact, activate), and for the permissibility of analogy on Through inflectional exercises, it is possible to generate grammatical forms (contact, isoqi...) and their nominal forms, as well as their duality, plural, diminutive, and relative to them.
 The research recommends tracing some of the morphological formulas and their uses, in order that they may help in generating correct Arabic words in formulation and construction, as they may dispense with the generator and the Arabizer, especially in terms and methods.


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