Syntactic Composition in the Media Text and its Impact on the Arabic Language, National Identity and Cultural Issues


Department of Arabic Language - College of Science and Arts in Mahayel Asir - King Khalid University


The aim of this research is to clarify the role of grammatical formation in the media text with an indication of the impact of the media language on the Arabic language, national identity and cultural issues. Its narration is to show the impact of grammatical formation on the media text, and not to underestimate the media men in all of its multiple means, but to elevate their language because of its great impact in elevating the language of the recipients at different ages and cultures.
  The study reached several results, the most important of which are:
The grammatical formation is the most important elements of the linguistic formation, which is the basis for understanding the language of the media text.
 Grammatical rules help to understand the text and understand its meaning because of the important role of expression in recognizing and revealing meanings.
The Arabic language keeps pace with its characteristics in every age, and is capable of renewal, development and expression for those who preserve it and research its potential.


Main Subjects