The Rule of Filling the Pretexts and their Impact on the Protection of the Family: Women's Work as a Model


Assistant Professor, Department of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence, King Khalid University


Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and all his family and companions, and after:
This research consists of an introduction, ten sections, results and a conclusion. The first topic includes the definition of the rule of blocking excuses, its validity, and the conditions for its implementation, while the second topic includes an important issue, which is the focus of the research and its foundation, which is the liberation of what is meant by women’s work and does it include paid and unpaid work as divided by the West and its working organizations or no? Because judging a thing is a branch of its conception, and what is the Shari’a’s position on this division, as for the third and fourth sections, they included a statement of the impact of the rule of blocking excuses in controlling women’s work in order to prevent physical and psychological diseases that afflict family members, a child and a woman. As for the fifth topic, it included a statement of the effect of this The rule in protecting the family’s income and its economic and living system. The sixth chapter also included a statement of the impact of the rule in controlling women’s work to protect the family from extinction and poor procreation that endangers countries and the non-renewal of generations resulting from the lack of births resulting from women’s reluctance to carry out their original responsibilities and their preoccupation with secondary and marginal work: As for the seventh topic, it touched on the impact of blocking the pretexts in controlling women’s work to protect the family from corruption and moral collapse, while the eighth topic included a statement of the impact of this rule on controlling women’s work to protect the family from crime, while the ninth topic included a statement of the impact of this rule on controlling The work of women to protect the family from the disintegration and collapse that many countries suffer from that focused on the machine and forgot the humanity and nature of man. As for the tenth and final topic, it was a statement of the impact of The rule of opening pretexts that can be an important means for women to play a positive and influential role to close the door of adequate duty in society without prejudice and harm to the family and its cohesion. As for the conclusion and results, it was a summary of the most important findings of the research.


Main Subjects