Activating the role of zakat in reducing spinsterhood is a legitimate objective and the necessity of societal reform, a jurisprudential study

Document Type : Original Article


Praise be to God, the All-Wise, the All-Knowing, who legislated for the nation with His wisdom that which fixes it and preserves it, and blessings and peace be upon the best, purest and purest of creation, and may God be pleased with his family and companions and those who follow them in goodness until the Day of Judgment and after
One of the duties in the field of scientific research and jurisprudence councils is to get acquainted with the pests of the age and the dilemmas of time, in an effort to combat them and seek treatment, and to purify society from its evil effects. Many young men and women, and many hopes and aspirations were shattered because of it, which led to many corruptions, and God help us.
And since zakat is the first social institution that seeks to achieve human goals, and it preceded what has been termed in the modern era with social security and the like, and because of its great good and great benefit, my intention was correct to shed light on these great speeches through my humble research, which I made clear. In it (activating the role of zakat to reduce spinsterhood, as a legitimate objective and the necessity of societal reform, through which I send a message to the Islamic nation that we must know the legal provisions related to zakat expenditures and the necessity of paying some of them to those who want to get married, reconsidering the sayings and opinions that prevent that, discussing them and taking into account the interests in view , hoping for a worldly life, with security and apparent chastity, and victory in the pleasure of God and salvation in the Hereafter.
the importance of studying:
1- It deals with an important and influential issue in the lives of societies.
2 - Explaining the role of zakat to reduce spinsterhood and the legal basis for disbursing zakat funds to it, and shedding light on the fatwas issued, past and recent.
3 - Optimal use of zakat funds so that they become a financing destination for those who want to get married and thus reduce the rates of spinsterhood in Islamic societies.
search problem:
The nature of the research problem is:
1 That many people do not realize the role of zakat on their money in deflecting the danger of spinsterhood on the youth and girls of the nation and the extent of its impact on the objectives of the noble Sharia.
2 The lack of interest in this bank in terms of zakat in relation to the extent of its danger from individuals and organizations.
3 Absence of a culture of developing future visions to reduce spinsterhood through this great pillar.
research aims:
1- Explanation of the legal basis for the payment of zakat to those who are unable to provide for marriage in the light of the textual evidence, the legal purposes and the general rules of jurisprudence.
2- Explanation of the fatwas issued on this issue, past and present (Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain as a model).
3- Future visions for activating the role of zakat to eradicate this phenomenon.
4- Strengthening the method of legal rooting and consolidating values.
Research Methodology:
To accomplish this research, I took the deductive analytical method, which is based on studying the existing reality for the absence of the necessity of paying zakat money to treat social problems (the problem of spinsterhood).


Main Subjects