Lecturer of comparative jurisprudence at the College of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Mansoura Assistant Professor at the College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion - King Khalid University
All praise is to Allah; Lord of the worlds. Prayers and peace to the master of the first two and the others, our Prophet Muhammad and his family, his companions and those who guided him to the Day of Judgment. This research deals with the fact that work and increased production are among the greatest values that Islam urged and cared about. Moreover, Islam had great care to achieve and advance the process of production, investment, and productive sufficiency by mobilizing and caring for human resources without disrupting them. Although Islam called for work, it forbids unemployment. It also demanded the investment of natural resources by preserving them and rationalizing their use in beneficial ways without extravagance or waste. These will lead to ensuring the adequacy of society from the output by the need to reclaim and revive the dead land, cultivation, the prevention of detention, and the utilization of mineral resources fairly. Islam also called for the investment and development of financial resources. It demonstrated the inviolability of riba-based dealing, hoarding and disrupting funds from utilizing them for development and investment. The research aims to: study the approach of Islamic law and its directions towards work and production, Establishing Shari'ah controls through provisions to ensure that the production process is directed towards benefits, preventing damage, and raising production efficiency. It also aims at the importance of diversity of resources to achieve integration and cooperation among society and increase productive activity by working towards social and economic development. This study conducted an analytical inductive approach by presenting the doctrines of jurists in matters. Also, it mentioned the ٢٢٣ المجلد السادس من العدد الخامس والثلاثين لحولية کلية الدراسات الإسلامية والعربية للبنات بالإسکندرية ثنائية العمل والإنتاج بين تقدم العصر ومنظور الشريعة الإسلامية(دراسة فقهية مقارنة) positions of differences and agreement, the reason for the difference, and discussions between the statements of the jurists. Then, the study presented the statement of opinion most likely supported by the guide, as well as the documentation of all the words and opinions of its original books. The research concludes many findings such as the purpose of productive work is to create benefits and to produce basic needs of the human being such as goods and services, and this is the yield or gain of work. Investing in human, natural and financial resources is also an important element in economic development and prosperity. The study recommends the need to adopt modern techniques within the production field as long as they do not conflict with the rules of Islamic law. In addition to the need for self-reliance, the Islamic approach seeks to blow up the potential as the only way to meet the needs of the nation and to keep it away from economic dependence and its dangers. Moreover, the need to pay attention to human capacities as a means of production, to urge the control and rationalization of production expenditures and to clean them up in all aspects of extravagance, waste and luxury. This leads to a reduction in costs and an increase in revenue to enable the economic unit to grow and develop.
Ali, A. I. A. G. A. (2019). The duality of work and production between the progress of the age and the perspective of Islamic law (a comparative jurisprudential study). The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 35(6), 217-326. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2019.63717
Azza Ismail Abdel Ghani Ali Ali. "The duality of work and production between the progress of the age and the perspective of Islamic law (a comparative jurisprudential study)", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 35, 6, 2019, 217-326. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2019.63717
Ali, A. I. A. G. A. (2019). 'The duality of work and production between the progress of the age and the perspective of Islamic law (a comparative jurisprudential study)', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 35(6), pp. 217-326. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2019.63717
Ali, A. I. A. G. A. The duality of work and production between the progress of the age and the perspective of Islamic law (a comparative jurisprudential study). The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2019; 35(6): 217-326. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2019.63717