The Eloquence of the News in the Light of the Fence in the Speech of the Lord of Human Beings Peace be Upon him


Lecturer at the Department of Rhetoric and Criticism Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Sohag


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon the most generous messengers, our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. (was evidence of his message, guided to his nation to the day of religion.The greatest devoted to the Almighty - the Almighty - the Islamic nation, his miraculous book, which was revealed to his messenger and Mustafa Mohammed) The search for rhetorical secrets in the Koran of Ashraf and the finest research that guide us to the Quranic miracle that is endless, as it was and continues to the day of religion inexhaustible, for everyone who took a way to search for the secrets of his miracle, and reveal its minutes, and eloquence of his methods. As the insiders of speech and Fatiha of places of elegance and creativity in speech, and the news was the main purpose of the speech, so came the subject of this research (eloquence of the news in the light of the fence, in the speech of the Lord of human beings (peace be upon him), has been allocated in the news of Khotob The Prophet (peace be upon him), from the first verse in the Sura, which indicates the importance of the news and take care of it, which took its importance from two sides: the first face: the fact that the news is in the front of the sura and its chapeau, and the other: being a letter from the Almighty God to His Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), who honored his Lord and honored his speech. The speech on that body in the light of each of the following fence: (Anfal - and conquest - and argument - and Abs - and Kawthar), which dealt with two types of news, the first type: the news of the metaphysical things not surrounded by human science, the second: the news about legislation Relates to the transactions and conditions of Muslims This study is based on the rhetorical analysis method, by analyzing the rhetorical method contained in the chapeau of each chapter in a rhetorical analysis, revealing its meaning, and indicating its intended purpose, in addition to analyzing the complementary and clear linguistic structures, and showing the appropriate aspect of the previous one.


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