Mutanabi and the Fission of Oneself: The Poem of Departure "the Hotest Heart" Model


Assistant Professor at King Abdullah Air Defense College in Taif


Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of God’s creation, Muhammad - r. As for what follows.. This research has been divided into:
    Preface: In it the researcher mentioned:
 A) A brief summary of Al-Mutanabbi dealing with his birth, upbringing, his personal qualities, the reason for his concealment of his lineage, his quotations for language and news, his passion for knowledge, his connection to ancient poetry, the countries he travels between, and the brilliance of his star in the court of Saif al-Dawla al-Hamdani.
b) Al-Mutanabbi’s status and poetry, and what some ancient critics and modernists said about him.
c) A glimpse of life in the era of Al-Mutanabbi from the political, economic and cultural aspects.
d) The text of the poem “The Departure” is completely correct.
The first chapter: The poetic language and that of Al-Mutanabbi, which is broken, and it was in four sections:
The first topic: the aching and sighing self.
The second topic: the oppressed self.
The third topic: the fearful and apprehensive self.
The fourth topic: the self separated from the place.
The second chapter: The poetic language and the strong nature of Mutanabbi, and it was in three sections:
The first topic: the heroine self.
The second topic: the ostentatious self and the dialogue with the greats.
The third topic: the equal self.
    After that, the researcher concluded this research with a conclusion that included a mention of the results he reached, and the recommendations that he decided to recommend.
    Then the researcher listed a list of sources and references. thanks God first and last.


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