Corrections of Imam Al-Kasani in the Book of Badaea As-Sana’e from the First Chapter of Hunting and Sacrifices to the Last Chapter of Expiation: Collection and Study


Master's degree in Jurisprudence - Department of Sharia - Umm Al-Qura University


Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions, and all those who followed them in goodness. As for after. The topic of the research is (Imam al-Kasani’s corrections in the book Badaa’ al-Sana’i from the beginning of the Book of Hunts and sacrifices until the last book of Atonements, a collection and study), and the research came in an introduction, five sections, and a conclusion:
Introduction: It includes the importance of the topic, the reasons for choosing it, previous studies, and the research method
The first topic: the translation of Imam Al-Kasani and the scientific status of his time.
The second topic: Introducing the book Badaa’ al-Sana’i in the arrangement of the laws.
The third topic: the corrections of Imam Al-Kasani in the book “Al-Siyad wa Al-Zaabih”.
The fourth topic: Corrections of Imam Al-Kasani in Kitab Al-Nazr.
The fifth topic: Corrections of Imam al-Kasani in the Book of Atonements.
Conclusion: It included the most important results of the research, including:
1- Imam al-Kasani is considered one of the most revered Hanafi scholars, he taught jurisprudence on his sheikh, Alaa al-Samarkandi, and he taught at the Halawiyah school in Aleppo until his death.
2- The imam attained a high position among the people of knowledge, whether during his life or after his death. This appears in the scholars and princes’ veneration for him during his life, and in the scholars and historians’ praise for him after his death in their translations of him, and his students who took from him and their translations were mentioned in the research.
3- The book Badaa’ al-Sana’i is an explanation of Kitab al-Tuhfah, and it is one of the important books in the Hanafi school of thought and it has a scholarly position in the books of jurisprudence, as it has a style that makes it easier for its reader to understand its phrase, and good division, quality of arrangement, dynasty of expression, and distance from complexity, and the reason for its authorship is Imam al-Kasani’s desire to arrangement of masterpiece matters; To make it easier for students to access, understand and graduate issues on their origins.
4- Imam Al-Kasani’s approach in his book is unique and straightforward; This is in terms of the order of issues or the way they are presented and the transfer of words in them, or the evidence for the sayings. We see him taking care of arranging the issues in each section of fiqh in a good order, with their abstraction on its foundations; So that it is easy to understand and study for the student, as he mentions the sayings of the general scholars of the jurists such as Imam Malik, Al-Shafi’i and the doctrines of the Companions and the Followers, and as Imam Al-Kasani took the path of proof and explanation on the various jurisprudential issues he mentioned; He cites the evidence for each of the sayings. Whether the evidence is a text from the Book, the Sunnah, a consensus, or it is a rational explanation.
5- He explains the books he relied on and transferred from them in his book.




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