AL-Shu'ubiyyah "the Refusal of Recognizing the Privileged Position of the Arabs" and the Image of Orthodox caliphs in the Irani School Curricula through the Book of Image of Sunnis in Irani School Textbooks


1 Lecturer (A) Al-Balqa Applied University/ Irbid University College

2 Associate Professor/ Department of Basic Sciences/ Al-Balqa Applied University/ Irbid University College

3 Assistant Professor, Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan, College of Arts, Department of Humanities


School curricula accurately express the ideas and trends that represent the state’s vision, goals and various positions. That is why the research came seeking to clarify the image of the Rightly Guided Caliphs in the Iranian curriculum and its connection to Al-Shu’ubiyyah.
The research concluded that the Iranian school curricula reflect a distorted picture of the history of Islam that is steeped in deception and lies, an image that seeks with all its might to obliterate the role of the Arabs and their achievements in the shadow of Islam, by seeking in more than one way to accuse the Companions and the Rightly-Guided Caliphs of apostasy, violating the orders of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and usurping the caliphate without The truth is, and that their caliphate only presented a misleading image of Islam, to the extent that Islam would have been destroyed, had it not been for the efforts of Ali bin Abi Talib and his Shiites.
The research also concluded that the most important goal of the Iranian curricula is to present a distorted image of the Arabs, and in a clear expression of an extremist populist mobilization against the Arabs and Islam, it seeks with all its might to charge the Iranian students with hatred and malice toward the Arabs, and in an effort to be the bearers of the banner of fighting the Arabs and eliminating them, in clear convergence with Their goals with the Zionist Jews in Palestine.


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