The Legal Protection against Violations of The Tourism Sector in The Saudi Law: Comparative Study of Islamic Feqh


Assistant Professor of Civil Law College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion King Khalid University


Most countries seek, with all their strategies, to attract the largest possible number of tourists, based on studying their tourism markets and harnessing all their capabilities, leading to the provision of hard currency and attracting national and foreign investments. Saudi Arabia is one of those countries that aspire to achieve all of this, despite the fact that That the tourism industry in the Kingdom is a modern one; However, the state has given this aspect its care and attention; There is no evidence for that from the establishment of the Supreme Commission for Tourism and Antiquities, and this research attempts to shed light on the issue of legal protection for the tourism sector in the Saudi system, and the position of Islamic jurisprudence on it. Saudi Arabia, and the position of Islamic jurisprudence on it.


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