The Provisions of Reading Basmala between Readers and Jurists: Comparative Study between the Two Schools in the Light of the Book and the Year and the Effects


Assistant Professor of Interpretation and Sciences of the Qur’an College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Kuwait University


The research dealt with issues related to reading the basmalah at the school of readers and the school of jurists, and the research came as a continuation of a previous research in which the issue of the Qur’anic basmalah was edited. The beginning of the surah or during it, and the ruling on reciting it between the two surahs, and the ruling on reading it with Surat al-Tawbah at the beginning, or mediating between the Anfal and repentance, then the ruling on reciting the basmalah out loud with the recitation in general. And the ruling on its repetition in prayer, and the ruling on its repetition in the rak’ahs of prayer with Al-Fatihah, accompanies the doctrines of the reciters and jurists in every issue, with the release of its evidence, the aspects of inference, its discussion, the weighting between them, the explanation of the objects of weighting, the adoption of documentation of sayings from the authentic sources approved by the two schools, and finally The research concluded by mentioning the most prominent results and recommendations, and its results:
1- The readers’ need for scholars is no less important than the scholars’ need for readers, for every scientific school is complementary to the other, especially if the two schools are attracted to each other like the issues of this research; Because it is a jurisprudential reading, and this is how the researcher's consideration should be when editing common issues between scientific schools.
2- In matters whose evidences converge and the points of inference are equivalent, it is better to combine them and implement them without neglecting them, and to give precedence to what is in the composition of hearts over others, for the interest of the formation of hearts in Islam is great, and it is one of the major principles and purposes of this great religion.
Among the recommendations of the research: to take advantage of this issue in consolidating the concept that the consensus of the nation is a definitive argument, and its considered difference is a vast mercy, and that the difference of scholars cannot lead to intersection, contemplation and mistrust, for all of them sought the truth and strived to reach it, the right mujtahid has two rewards, and the erring diligent has one wage.


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