Existentialism according to Sartre


Assistant Professor of Creed and Philosophy in Dammam


''God is the one who grants existence and he is the giver of meaning" admits that everyone who knows god's greatness, and every one who restrains himself from evil desires. In Existentialism, Sartre said that man is not responsible for himself individually, but also responsible for all other men. and that in choosing for himself he chooses for all men it's a direct individual experience which a man lives, and it varries from one to another, it can't be evaluated by others or their experiences, and it provides a man the freedom of choice and creativity, breaks him free from the pattern and submission to collective thinking, it breaks him free from every chain, and every commitment, whether it's religious or moral. In Existentialism, Nihilism is the denial or lack of belief toward the reputedly meaningful aspects of life, and argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value, and since there is no absolute meaning of human life, there is no god".


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