The ethics of communication with creation in the light of the Holy Quran


Assistant Professor, College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion, King Khalid University


Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions, and after, the research included the etiquette of communication in the Noble Qur’an, and the importance of this topic comes from the fact that it is a collection of the etiquette of communication deduced from the Noble Qur’an, with an explanation of the fruits gained from adopting it, as well as because it refers to the treatment of the problem of inattention On the etiquette of communication among Muslims today.
 The research is located in an introduction and three sections, which included: the etiquette of communicating with the Messenger, peace be upon him, during his life and after his death, the etiquette of communicating with the people of merit, and the etiquette of communicating with the general public, then the fruits of having these etiquettes, and from what the research concluded:
 1- The Wise Remembrance’s attention to explaining the etiquette of communicating with people and their importance.
 2- Being polite with the etiquette of communicating with the Prophet, peace be upon him, after his death.
 3- How to be polite in addressing the people of merit, foremost among them: parents, guardians, and scholars.
4- Explanation of the etiquette of communicating with all creatures: the Muslim and the unbeliever, the righteous and the immoral.
The research concluded with the following recommendations:
1- Inclusion of the etiquette of communication and dialogue in the education curricula at the basic, secondary and university levels.
2- Calling preachers and guides to adopt community awareness of these manners.
3- The practical application of communication etiquette by: preachers, teachers, guides and parents; To set a good example for students and the rest of society.


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