Methods of inference in the Noble Qur’an


Professor of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences at the College of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria


The science of controversy is an authentic science in Arabic.
Controversy is either commendable, and then the law calls for it and is acceptable to it, or it is blameworthy, and the law rejects it and does not approve of it.
And that the accepted argument is based on evidence and proof.
And that the debate, to be productive and constructive, must be based on objectivity and consensus between the two parties in the search for the truth and receiving it when it appears, and that it fulfills the conditions of politeness between the two parties.
And that debate in the Book of God Almighty has multiple forms and different models, sometimes it comes between individuals, and sometimes it comes between groups, and other times between a person and a prophet, or between a group and a prophet.
And that the Qur’anic debate is the highest degree of eloquence, the sweetest method, and the best of it is an invitation and reform, for it is the word of the Lord of the worlds and it is sufficient.


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