Consumer financing contract to purchase goods and services in the balance of Islamic jurisprudence (Comparative study)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Comparative Jurisprudence - Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Boys - Al-Azhar University - Disuq – Egypt.


Many contracts were found in the era of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and after him the Rightly Guided Caliphs and the Noble Companions, may God be pleased with them all, including: selling, leasing, Musaqat, farming, istisna’, and other contracts. After that, some contracts were new and the jurists worked hard to adapt them and explain their ruling. In Islamic Sharia law, and the new transactions in it that need research and study in order to clarify and explain the legal ruling on them, and among these contracts: the consumer financing contract, which is one of the new contracts that have appeared and spread widely recently, and it is: every starch. It aims to provide financing allocated for the purchase of goods and services for consumer purposes, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. (18) of the year (2020 AD) regarding regulating consumer financing activity؛ So that this aforementioned law specifies the companies and financial institutions that carry out financing and the controls, terms and conditions with customers through their contracts. In this research, I have dealt with: Explaining its reality, its pillars, the obligations of each party, and the difference between it and other similar contracts, then explaining the jurisprudential adaptation and legal ruling of this contract, the legal alternatives to it, and the results and recommendations that have been reached.


Main Subjects

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