Jurisprudential foundation of financing through Tawarruq In Islamic banks in Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article


Doctorate in Islamic Studies, State of Kuwait


Praise be to Allah, by whose grace good deeds are accomplished, and prayers and peace be upon our Master Muhammad, his family, his companions, and those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment. Now then!
There is no doubt that the Islamic economy has proven, praise be to Allah, its existence, importance, and role, as it has moved from the stage of recognition and proof of existence to the stage of practical practice, so that the Islamic economy has become translated into a tangible reality. The evidence for this is what we see of the expansion and spread of various Islamic financial institutions, which have not been limited to Arab and Islamic countries, but have extended to the countries of Europe and America in the strongholds of the positive capitalist system. This is evidence of the strength of the principles and foundations from which this Islamic economy is based, and they are principles of Islamic law that are valid for all times and places.
Based on this, the current research came to explain Tawarruq and its importance in Islamic law and the jurists’ opinion on it in terms of its agreement with the provisions of Islamic law. There has been much discussion about it among contemporary Sharia and economic jurists who differed on its economic and legal effects and the extent to which it is used in Islamic banks in Kuwait.


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