Dr.Sultan bin Sughayyir bin Naif Aalanazi Associate Professor at Northern Border University In Arar -Saudi Arabia
The research aims to define ethical sophistication, Demonstrating its relevance to people's lives, It highlights the Quranic gifts that contribute to the morality of the Muslim, in case of disagreement, At the time of his disagreement with his Muslim brother or with the non-Muslim. It shows the good results of ethics on the individual and society. Research curriculum: induction, tracking and analysis. Research is divided into introduction, boot, researchers, then finale and indexes. The researcher concluded several results, the most important of which are: that a person is commanded to adhere to moral advancement in all his situations, with all people, and that the verses commanding this are decisive and not abrogated, and are general and remain in their generality according to the most correct of the two opinions of scholars, and that the Qur’anic guidance indicates solutions to society’s problems. All of them. He also recommended studying the Qur’anic guidance affecting moral advancement in the stories of the Prophets, peace be upon them, and studying the Quranic guidance affecting moral advancement in a Muslim’s dealings with enemies and opponents.
albahr almuhiti, li'abi hayaan muhamad bin yusif bin hayaan al'andalsi, tahqiqu: mahir hibush wakhrin, (ta1, birut, dar alrisalat alealamiati, 1436h).
albisiti, li'abi alhasan eali bin 'ahmad alwahidi, tahqiqu: majmueat min albahithina, (ta1, alrayad, jamieat al'iimam muhamad bin sueud al'iislamiati, 1430h).
taj alearus, limuhamad murtadaa alhusayni alzubaydi, tahqiqu: di.smir shamsa, (ta1, birut, dar sadir, 2011ma).
altahrir waltanwiru, limuhamad altaahir abn eashur, (ta1, tunus, dar sihnun).
altaerifati, liealiin bin muhamad aljirjani, tahqiqu: muhamad basil euyun alsuwdu, (ta3, bayrut, dar alkutub aleilmiati,2009mu).
tafsir alquran aleazimi, li'iismaeil bin eumar bin kathirin, tahqiqu: du.muhamad 'iibrahim albanaa, (ta1, bayrut, dar abn hazma, 1419h).
altafsir alkabiru, lilfakhr alraazi, muhamad bin eumar bin alhasan bin alhusayni, tahqiqu: maktab tahqiq dar 'iihya' alturath alearabii, (ta1, bayrut, dar 'iihya' alturath alearabii).
tafsir surat al eimran, limuhamad bin salih aibn euthaymin, (ta1, alqasima, muasasat alshaykh muhamad bin salih aleuthaymin alkhayriati, 1436h).
tafsir surat alfirqan, limuhamad bin salih abn euthaymin, (ta1, alqasima, muasasat alshaykh muhamad bin salih aleuthaymin alkhayriati, 1436h).
tafsir surat alnuwr, limuhamad bin salih aleuthaymin, (ta1, buridat, muasasat alshaykh muhamad bin salih aleuthaymin, 1436h).
altamhidi, liusif bin eabdallah aibn eabdalbar, dimn mawsueat shuruh almuata. tahqiqu: da.eabdallah alturki, (ta1, alqahirat, markaz hijr, 1426h).
sharh alnawawiu ealaa sahih muslim (alminhaj sharh sahih muslim bin alhajaju), limuhyi aldiyn yahyaa bin sharaf alnawwii, (ta2, bayrut, dar 'iihya' alturath alearabii, 1392hi)
sahih aibn hibaan (almusnad alsahih ealaa altaqasim wal'anwaei), li'abi hatim muhamad bin hibaan bin 'ahmad altamimii albusty, tahqiqu: muhamad eali sunmz, wakhalis ay dimir, (ta1, bayrut, aibn hazma, 1433h).
sahih albukhari, limuhamad bin 'iismaeil albukhariu, einayatu: muhamad zuhayr alnaasir, (ta1, bayrut, dar tawq alnajati, 1422hi).'ahkam alqurani, liaibn alfurs, eabd almuneim bin eabd alrahimi, tahqiq da.tih bin eali bu sarih wakhrin, (ta1, bayrut, dar aibn hazma, 1427h).
bin Sughayyir bin Naif Aalanazi, S. (2024). The Qur’an Guidance's And its Impact on moral Advancement When in Disagreement. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(1), 662-702.
Sultan bin Sughayyir bin Naif Aalanazi. "The Qur’an Guidance's And its Impact on moral Advancement When in Disagreement", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40, 1, 2024, 662-702.
bin Sughayyir bin Naif Aalanazi, S. (2024). 'The Qur’an Guidance's And its Impact on moral Advancement When in Disagreement', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(1), pp. 662-702.
bin Sughayyir bin Naif Aalanazi, S. The Qur’an Guidance's And its Impact on moral Advancement When in Disagreement. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2024; 40(1): 662-702.