Moral Values and Their Impact on Achieving Family Security Surat Luqman as an Example

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Islamic Studies King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences


This research aims to reveal the role of moral values in enhancing family security in its various types: ideological, moral, and social security; considering that the family is the safety valve of society, and to study the impact of values on family security, and to seek a solution to the research problem represented in revealing the role of moral values in enhancing and maintaining family security, through an induction of Surah Luqman, and identifying the values that the surah addressed in its various fields, then analyzing them and deducing the Quranic guidance from them, with the help of what the interpreters have provided, both ancient and modern, and finally: describing the methodology of the Holy Quran in establishing moral values.
The research concluded that the Holy Quran has paid great attention to enhancing family security, and spreading guidance that helps in enhancing family security, and that the moral values in Surah Luqman have been established for one aspect of family security, taking into account the spiritual aspect in man, and the social aspect.
The Quran's reinforcement of moral values has dimensions that are reflected in the family aspect. Also, the Quranic reinforcement of family security has a great impact on the uprightness of the Muslim's morals, and a profound impact on the moral and psychological security of the family and society. The researcher recommended: the necessity of starting to reinforce these values from an early age.


Main Subjects

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