Assistant Professor at the Department of Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Shari’ah Islamic University of Madinah
Research Title: The Jurisprudential Rulings Regarding the Noon Period: A Jurisprudential Study. Research Methodology: Inductive descriptive. Research Division: The research includes an introduction, a preface, two topics and conclusion. The introduction includes: the importance of the topic, the rationale for its selection, the literature review, the research plan, and the methodology. The preface includes two topics, the first: the meaning of “Al-Dhaheerah” (Noon), the second: the significance of the noon period in Islam. The two topics; the first: the jurisprudential rulings regarding the noon period in relation to prayer, and it includes ten sub-topics, the second: the jurisprudential rulings regarding the noon period regarding matters aside prayer, and it includes four sub-topics. Conclusion, including: the most important findings of the research. The Most Significant Findings of the Research: The time of noon begins with sun passing the zenith (zawaal) and ends with the shadow of everything turning to its size, and it is permissible to combine dhur (noon) of dhur after the dhur prayer, and the time of zawaal is a time of prohibition on all days, and it is recommended that the fasting person use chewing stick at all times, and seeing the crescent during the day is not considered, and the validity of the intention to fast the voluntary at any time in the day, and the time of throwing pebbles begins on days of tashreeq during hajj after the zawaal.
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Al-subaiee, A. A. K. (2024). The Jurisprudential Rulings Regarding the Noon Period
A Jurisprudential Study. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(3), 1869-1932.
Abdulelah Abdul Karim Al-subaiee. "The Jurisprudential Rulings Regarding the Noon Period
A Jurisprudential Study", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40, 3, 2024, 1869-1932.
Al-subaiee, A. A. K. (2024). 'The Jurisprudential Rulings Regarding the Noon Period
A Jurisprudential Study', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(3), pp. 1869-1932.
Al-subaiee, A. A. K. The Jurisprudential Rulings Regarding the Noon Period
A Jurisprudential Study. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2024; 40(3): 1869-1932.