The origin of the story of Muadh’s prayer - may God be pleased with him - with the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and then his prayer with his people, a hadith and jurisprudential study.

Document Type : Original Article


Khader bin Saleh Saeed Al-Ghamdi Associate Professor of Hadith and its Sciences, Department of Islamic Studies College of Arts and Humanities, University of Al-Baha


This research comes under the title: “The origin of the story of Muadh’s prayer - may God be pleased with him - with the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and then his prayer with his people, a hadith and jurisprudential study” in an introduction, three sections and a conclusion. It aims to know the origin of the story of the prayer of Muadh bin Jabal, may God be pleased with him, for his people, and to study its reasons and jurisprudence in terms of the supposed prayer of the voluntary person.
I followed the inductive approach: by tracing the narrations of the hadith and interpreting them one by another, then the analytical approach: by explaining the words of the scholars in studying the hadith by narration and knowledge.
One of its most important results was: proving the origin of the story of Muadh in his prayers with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and then with his people. It is most likely to be used as evidence from this hadith regarding the permissibility of the ritual prayer for a non-Muslim person to lead a ritual prayer.
‏Among its most important recommendations: studying the impact of Imam Ahmad's methodology in critiquing narrations on the selections made by Bukhari and Muslim in their Sahih collections.


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