Saadi Effendi's footnote on the interpretation of al-Baidawi
(Saad Allah bin Isa bin Amir Khan, known as Saadi Chalabi)
D: 945 AH An investigation and study
Specialization in the Qur’an and Sunnah, Department of Sharia and Islamic Studies, College of Arts and Human Sciences, King Abdulaziz University - Saudi Arabia
The research includes an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion. The first chapter included: a study on Imam Saadi Effendi, may God have mercy on him, and it contains three topics: The first topic: the translation of the scholar Saadi Effendi, and it contains four demands: The first topic: his name, lineage, and birth. The second requirement: his upbringing and pursuit of knowledge. The third requirement: his elders and students. The fourth requirement: his death. The second section: His scientific standing, his doctrine, his jurisprudential doctrine, and his scientific effects. It contains three requirements: The first requirement: His scientific standing. The second requirement: his doctrine and jurisprudential doctrine. The third requirement: its scientific effects. The third section: Saadi Effendi’s footnote to Al-Baydawi’s interpretation, which contains three requirements: The first requirement: verifying the name of the book and documenting its attribution to the author. The second requirement: the author’s approach and sources in the book. Third requirement: Description of manuscript copies. And it was Sharia sciences; This is because it includes many legal issues such as doctrine, jurisprudence and its principles, recitations, interpretation of the Qur’an, counting verses, Meccan and Medinan verses, some narrations, explanation of vocabulary, issues of parsing, rules of grammar, and rhetoric. Among the most important recommendations was: paying attention to the valuable Islamic heritage by continuing projects. Verification of manuscripts, because of their benefit to Islam and Muslims and cooperation in righteousness and piety.
Al-Balawi, E. B. A. R. (2024). Saadi Effendi's footnote on the interpretation of al-Baidawi
(Saad Allah bin Isa bin Amir Khan, known as Saadi Chalabi)
D: 945 AH An investigation and study. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(2), 973-1058.
Elaf bint Abdul Rahman Al-Balawi. "Saadi Effendi's footnote on the interpretation of al-Baidawi
(Saad Allah bin Isa bin Amir Khan, known as Saadi Chalabi)
D: 945 AH An investigation and study", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40, 2, 2024, 973-1058.
Al-Balawi, E. B. A. R. (2024). 'Saadi Effendi's footnote on the interpretation of al-Baidawi
(Saad Allah bin Isa bin Amir Khan, known as Saadi Chalabi)
D: 945 AH An investigation and study', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(2), pp. 973-1058.
Al-Balawi, E. B. A. R. Saadi Effendi's footnote on the interpretation of al-Baidawi
(Saad Allah bin Isa bin Amir Khan, known as Saadi Chalabi)
D: 945 AH An investigation and study. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2024; 40(2): 973-1058.