Satirical literature was not new in the literary and critical arena. It was found in our literary heritage according to Al Jahez in the rest of his books. This literary genre is a welcoming space for the Semitic curriculum to receive in a circle of the attention of the network of its marks that are implemented to the deep structure of this literature. This literary art is a goal that aims at the very same origin and a continuous and lasting effect, reforming the positions of vulnerability and imbalance in society, and perhaps the truest literature capable of exposing the persistent suffering of peoples without indecent talk or vulgar expression.
It is the formulation of critical thinking in a comical artistic literary style, the closest to raising the voice of the voiceless people in human societies where the last one has become the humiliation seeks to alleviate tragicize and grief. Semitism with its various strategies and philosophical trends is a cognitive revolution in the human sciences, in particular in moral criticism; Satirical literature has had an abundant share of its approaches and criticism, and it has created radical change in reading literary effects in successive times.
Semitism has been characterized by employing all the paradoxes and contradictions that the same human beings endure and all around them such as colors, names, place and time to create a literary production that reveals the level of texts and the intentions of their creators.
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almusharaf, A. M. (2024). Signs of irony in Jordanian literature "A Semitic approach. Waleed Maabrah's literature "As a Model". The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(3), 1957-1986. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2024.363897
Amal Mohammed almusharaf. "Signs of irony in Jordanian literature "A Semitic approach. Waleed Maabrah's literature "As a Model"", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40, 3, 2024, 1957-1986. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2024.363897
almusharaf, A. M. (2024). 'Signs of irony in Jordanian literature "A Semitic approach. Waleed Maabrah's literature "As a Model"', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(3), pp. 1957-1986. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2024.363897
almusharaf, A. M. Signs of irony in Jordanian literature "A Semitic approach. Waleed Maabrah's literature "As a Model". The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2024; 40(3): 1957-1986. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2024.363897