The role of fundamentalist and intentional norms in the modern education of children (the rule of issues with their purposes as a model)


Department of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Zagaziq faculty for Girls, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif University, Egypt.


In the name of Allah, the Lord of the two worlds and prayers and peace upon the Ashraf of Creation Muhammad Peace be upon Him and God and His companions all after:
There is a great correlation between the science of jurisprudence and fundamentalist and intentional rules and modern education. The science of jurisprudence is considered an enormous source that can be utilized in the human sciences and is a resource that can be consulted and inspired by the rules that help to study and understand the human sciences more precisely so as to be associated with the sciences of Islamic law. Despite the tremendous progress of modern-day pedagogy building block for children cannot be overlooked. A child who is raised origins of jurisprudence to pedagogy so that modern methods and effective ways of raising children can be used through the rules of asset science, which promotes the upright generation but psychologically knows its God and does not ignore his age in which he grew up.
The aim of the study is to return to Islamic sciences in the establishing the origin and searching in the sciences by finding a good side in terms of knowledge of God's decree of education and the elaboration of judgements and their human applications. Education is the care as knowledge of the jurisprudence helps both parties in understanding and inspiring situations that help to understand the rules and then deal with those situations in a right way.


Main Subjects

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