In this research, I have explained the position and approach of the Al Imam Al Albani in his reply to Al Ahadith that illusion the inconsistency in his book: the right series, and demonstrated his paths used by the imam in his response to the conflict, and the number of these paths is three, the first manner: removing the difference with the manner of combination, the second course: removing the difference with the manner of copy, and the third course: removing the difference with the manner of preponderance. This research is divided into an introduction in which it mentions the importance of research, the reasons for its choice and the approach of the preliminary research and three demands of the first requirement: the introduction of Al Imam Al Albani, and his correct series. Second requirement: the definition of different modern science, the statement of its judgment, and its significance.
The supreme status of the Al Imam Al Albani that shows this from his efforts in modern science is to describe Al Imam Al Albani approach in his book The Right Series, in particular his approach to the different Ahadith.
The importance of studying ostensibly conflicting Ahadith with regard to Al Imam Al Alalbani is not only in the right series, but in all his books so that we have an expanded approach to imam and various Ahadith in his books.
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Al-Mutairi, R. A. S. (2024). The approach of the Al Imam Al Albani to answer of Al Ahadith that fancy the manifestation of conflict in his book: (The Right Series). The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(1), 349-392. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2024.363708
Rania Abdullah Sanad Al-Mutairi. "The approach of the Al Imam Al Albani to answer of Al Ahadith that fancy the manifestation of conflict in his book: (The Right Series)", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40, 1, 2024, 349-392. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2024.363708
Al-Mutairi, R. A. S. (2024). 'The approach of the Al Imam Al Albani to answer of Al Ahadith that fancy the manifestation of conflict in his book: (The Right Series)', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 40(1), pp. 349-392. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2024.363708
Al-Mutairi, R. A. S. The approach of the Al Imam Al Albani to answer of Al Ahadith that fancy the manifestation of conflict in his book: (The Right Series). The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2024; 40(1): 349-392. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2024.363708