The jurisprudential and fundamentalist approach of Imam Al-Rabi’ bin Habib In the book "Spring Boys" ..


Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and its Principles, College of Sharia Sciences, Muscat, Al Khuwair, Oman


 This research deals with the jurisprudential and fundamentalist methodology of Imam Al-Rabi’ ibn Habib Al-Farahidi through the book “Futia Al-Rabi’,” and shows the general features of his reasoning, preferences, and method of responding to the jurisprudential calamities of his time. It highlights his diligence and consideration of the universals of Sharia law, its purposes, and its jurisprudential rules, and introduces the most important jurisprudential, fundamental, and historical terms that he uses. The research included an introduction that included an introduction to Imam Al-Rabi’ and his book, and six demands that dealt with the jurisprudential and fundamentalist methodology. He concluded several results, the most important of which is that the “Futia Alrabia” are among the origins of jurisprudential sources in general and Ibadi sources in particular. It was written at an earlier time (2nd century AH). Imam Al-Rabi’ is a diligent jurist, with independent opinions and well-established choices, documented in a book “Futia Alrabia” He came up with a number of recommendations, the most prominent of which is to scientifically investigate what remains of Imam al-Rabi’s works, such as the book “Mas’a’il al-Rabi’” and publish them in print. Taking attention to the possibility of considering the book “Futia Alrabia” - and similar books that were contemporary to it - as sources in the Prophet’s hadith. Because of the hadiths it narrates, the chain of transmission is connected at an early stage of time.


Main Subjects

  • المصادر والمراجع

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    • السيابي، أحمد بن سعود السيابي ، بحث عن الإمام الربيع بن حبيب، بدون ناشر، بدون طبعة.
    • القنوبي، سعيد بن مبروك القنوبي، الربيع بن حبيب مكانته ومسنده، مكتبة الضامري، سلطنة عمان، ط(1)، (1416ه- 1995م).
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