The Consideration of the Quran for Addressing the Human Soul (objective study) ..


Ph.D in Islamic Studies Administration Formerly an Associate Professor at the College of Basic Education Formerly an Associate Professor at the Arab Open University, Kuwait Branch


This study aimed to elucidate the Quran's consideration in addressing the human soul, emphasizing the importance of living with the Quran through study, contemplation, and reflection. The research balanced between psychological science and the Quranic guidance for building the human soul. The study employed a descriptive-analytical methodology, enhancing viewpoints with supporting evidence. The study plan comprised an introduction, a preface, two main sections, and a conclusion. The introduction outlined the study's significance, methodology, previous research, and the study plan. The preface section explored the meanings and intentions of the soul in the Quran, while the second section delved into its status quo and manifestation. The conclusion summarized the study results and recommendations. not lessons and reflections in each one. Allah, when addressing humans, did not specify a particular means for understanding and contemplation but encouraged exploration and discovery of suitable paths. The Quran's method of portraying the human soul addressed innate tendencies, inviting them to faith. References to the soul in the Quran served to clarify and purify it, guiding it towards ethical and practical responsibilities. The strength and clarity of Islamic law, as expressed in the Quran, led people into the fold of Allah's religion. Despite psychology's attempts to elevate humanity and present an ideal image, it could not compete with the power and clarity of the Quran.


Main Subjects

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