Diglossia and its impact on classical Arabic Mukhtariyya Miloud Yahya Belabed


Department: Arabic Language, College: Arabic Language and Social Studies, City: Buraidah, Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Language has had the greatest status among peoples since the dawn of humanity because it is the communicative tool through which the individual was able to coexist with others. Language goes through many challenges, the most important of which is “diglossia,” this modern linguistic term that was derived from the term la diglossie, which was interested in studying multilingualism and the extent of its influence. On the mother tongue, and with regard to the Arabic language, diglossia affects its development and prosperity, and hinders its spread in the way it should be, to the point that it has come to compete with the Arabic language in its position in society in general and in education in particular, considering that it is one of the sensitive sectors entrusted with the advancement of the language. He made it a language of science and civilization, and the colloquial language became, due to its ease, interference in all fields, especially social media, as the latter made it easier for it to integrate more into society, thus opening the door for it to compete with the mother language in its position and the pioneering role it has assumed throughout the ages. There is no doubt that this wide spread of the colloquial language It will make the Arabic language consigned to the scrolls of history.


Main Subjects

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