Abbas Hassan and his position on some of the grammarians’ problems in his book: Al-Nahhu Al-Wafi (Selected issues from the chapters on subsidiaries)


Teaching assistant at King Saud University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Arabic Language.


Grammatical explanation has an importance that stems from its association with the grammatical lesson since its inception. It is considered a means of justifying rulings and establishing rules, and the reasoning was later imprinted in a way that took it away from the desired goal and the desired educational purpose. The study - in its theoretical part - dealt with its meaning, origin, and divisions, indicating the development that occurred, and the position of scholars on that.
Also, in the book Al-Naho Al-Wafi, there are grammatical explanations worthy of study and examination. The study also aims to identify some of those issues that were associated with the explanations of the grammarians, and to explain Abbas Hassan’s position on those explanations. In this research, the descriptive analytical method was followed.
This study proceeded according to a plan consisting of an introduction and a preface, and was organized into two chapters; the first chapter contained two sections, in the first of which the meaning of the cause was presented in language, and in the terminology of grammarians, and in the second section, the sections of the cause and its origin. As for the second chapter, it contained two sections - also - in the first, it focused on the selected issues from the chapters on the consequences, in which the position and approach of Abbas Hassan became clear from the explanations of the grammarians.


Main Subjects

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