A comparative study on the dimensions of the conflict between the play (Oedipus the King) by Tawfiq al-Hakim, and the play (Oedipus the King) by Sophocles


1 Lecturer of the Arabic Language Department College of Science and Arts, Najran University

2 Department of Arabic Language (Literature and Criticism), College of Science and Arts, Najran University


The first signs of the emergence of myths have begun; in the first decades; When ancient primitive man used it to answer his questions about nature and the universe around him, explain the mysterious matters in his life, satisfy the instinct to reach the truth, and the aspiration for knowledge.
The myth of Oedipus is an ancient Greek mythology. Which dates back to the earliest times, as it was spoken (the Odyssey) in the eleventh canto, and some critics believed that it was Persian in origin and origin. Opinions and studies have differed about the play (Oedipus Rex) by the poet (Sophocles), and its theme is about the inevitability of fate, the curse passed down from ancestors to children, and human knowledge. On the other hand, we see the writer Tawfiq Al-Hakim writing his play entitled (King Oedipus), selected from the play (Sophocles).
In this study, I have intended to study the two plays in a comparative study, and to show the aspects of influence and influence between them both, and the similarities and differences in the way both literature deals with events, characters, complexes and solutions, and the creativity and development that (Tawfiq al-Hakim) added to the play that is compatible with Arab culture. Through that creativity, it transformed from being a myth into a modern, realistic mental play.


Main Subjects

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